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•        NO FORCED OR CONVICT LABOR.  Abercrombie will not tolerate the use of convict, indentured, slave or bonded or other forced involuntary labor, either directly or indirectly, by its vendors, or by any subcontractors utilized by its vendors.

•        NO CHILD LABOR.  Abercrombie will not tolerate the use of child labor by its vendors, or by any subcontractors utilized by its vendors.  ‘Child labor’ is defined as the employment of persons younger than the age 14, the local legal minimum working age, or the local legal age for compulsory education, whichever is higher.

•        COMPENSATION.   Wages and benefits must be in conformity with the minimum wage prescribed by local law or the prevailing local industry wage, whichever is higher.  Workers must be provided with benefits and overtime compensation that conform to the better of applicable local law or prevailing local industry standards.

•        MAXIMUM WORK HOURS.  Employee work hours must be reasonable and in compliance with local laws and standards with no regularly scheduled work weeks in excess of 60 hours (or lower if prescribed by local law or local industry standards).

•        WORK ENVIRONMENT.  Vendors must provide workers with a safe, clean, and healthy work environment and residential and eating facilities (where applicable), which are in compliance with all relevant local laws and regulations.

•        NONDISCRIMINATION.   Vendors must employ workers on the basis of their ability to perform the requisite tasks, and not on the basis of their personal characteristics or beliefs.

•        FREEDOM OF ASSOCIATION.  Vendors must recognize and respect the legal rights of employees to free association.  Vendors may not threaten, penalize, restrict, or  interfere with employees’ lawful efforts to organize or join associations of their choosing.

•        DISCIPLINARY PRACTICE.  Vendors shall treat  each of their employees with respect and dignity.  None of Abercrombie’s vendor’s employees shall be subject to any physical, sexual, psychological or verbal harassment or abuse.

•        INSPECTION AND AUDIT.  To further assure proper implementation of and compliance with the standards set forth herein, Abercrombie reserves the right to inspect and approve all production facilities (and living and eating facilities where applicable), including those of subcontractors, and to request proof or certification of compliance.  Full and complete cooperation in this effort is required.  A manufacturer’s failure to permit an inspection must be explained in writing to Abercrombie and an unreasonable or unsatisfactory explanation is ground for immediate termination of all pending transactions with such a manufacturer.

Abercrombie requires that all manufacturers provide unrestricted access to our    representatives without advance notice, and such access extends to the manufacturer’s own facilities as well as those operated by any contract sewing shops or other designated contract facilities which a manufacturer may utilize in connection with the production of merchandise for Abercrombie.  Abercrombie will not permit a letter of credit, or other payment facility, to be opened until it has confirmed that a factory evaluation has been completed and the factory satisfies all appropriate requirements. 

Access also extends to those books and records relating to employee wages, employee timecards, verification of employee age, reports and production-related documentation establishing the origin of merchandise produced for Abercrombie.  These books and records must be maintained by the vendor and/or subcontractor for a period of a least one  (1) year following delivery of the merchandise to Abercrombie, and Abercrombie shall have the right to copy any and all such records upon request.


上一篇:Document Requisition List (E&E)
下一篇:Russell Corporation行為守則


上海超網作為驗廠咨詢品牌經過多年堅持不懈的努力,以“優質的服務,專業的輔導”成功的輔導全國各地的眾多大、中、小企業順利通過了驗廠。選擇超網您就選擇了成功,選擇了放心! 全球經濟復蘇的今天,搶先壹步,不要猶豫,通過驗廠,讓您外貿訂單接不停!誠邀上門洽談業務,見證實力!

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